3D Printing/Modeling, Woodworking, Coding and generally making stuff

Using a Wyze Camera with Octoprint

Wyze Cam V2

Wyze Cam V2's are awesome web cameras that could be found for very little money for which they include a surprising amount of functionality. I bought a few of the Wzye Cam V2's for around $20 each and scattered them around the house. They are great it you want to monitor something and don't want to fiddle around with anything more complicated. They even have motion capture and event recording included in the Wyze app.

Update: it looks like Wyze released a V3 camera which has not yet been hacked, so note, this only works on the V2 for now.

Parts List



  1. Download the firmware listed above in the Files section
  2. Rename the openmiko_firmware.bin to demo.bin and copy to the root of the microSD card
  3. On the microSD card make the following directories: /config/overlay/etc and inside that create a text file called wpa_supplicant.conf or download this sample
  4. Edit wpa_supplicant.conf and insert your wifi name and password and save it
  5. To set the timezone for the time overlay create a file on the SD card in the /config/overlay/etc directory called TZ. In there put the time zone you want to set up, in my case PDT8PST.
    Note: if you forgot to do this step, you can SSH into the camera and type echo PDT8PST > /sdcard/config/overlay/etc/TZ to fix it later.
  6. Power off the camera and insert the microSD card with the demo.bin file on it
  7. Hold the setup button, plug in your USB cable, keep holding the setup button for 1-2 seconds until the light is solid blue, then release the button
  8. After about 30 seconds you should get a flashing yellow LED which indicates the camera is working
  9. Now the hard part for some. You need to find the IP address of the camera on your local network. You will need to check your router to find the camera's MAC address (it is usually on a sticker on the camera)
  10. In Octoprint go to settings and choose the Webcam settings and set the stream URL to http://<cam-ip-address-here>:8080?action=stream (see example in screenshot)
  11. Then further down set the shapshot URL to http://<cam-ip-address-here>:8080/?action=snapshot (Note: remove webcam/ from the path)

And that should be it.

For more information, check out the OpenMiko GitHub page: https://github.com/openmiko/openmiko

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September 2, 2021 (3y ago)

