3D Printing/Modeling, Woodworking, Coding and generally making stuff

Bandsaw Vases


I made these a while back but was originally unable to post any pictures of them since they were a Christmas gift to my wife. By the time I gave them to her I forgot to post any pictures, so here they are.


I wanted to make something that challenged me, and since I hate projects involving curves, and for some reason dread using my bandsaw, I decided to make these vases using nothing but my bandsaw and my drum sander.


They are far from perfect, but for a first time using my bandsaw for a real project I think they are ok. The smaller vase is actually made from the waste of the bigger one. It is what was cut out of the bigger one to hollow it out.

I had to learn a lot about how to set up and adjust my bandsaw, as well as learn how to do curves smoothly (which I haven’t perfected yet as you can see). However, the curves got better as I went along. There is definitely a technique to getting them smooth and without jaggy bits (*technical term).

They turned out better than I expected and gave me some good learning experiences along the way. I also think doing this project broke some of my fears and misgivings about my bandsaw and have made me a lot more confident about using it now.

Thanks to Steve at the The Carmichael Workshop for the inspiration. If it wasn’t for the ease with which you made things with your bandsaw, I would never have had the courage to persevere.

December 27, 2015 (9y ago)

